Effect of the Sowing Speed on the Distribution Regularity of Maize Seeds

Wesley Nadin, Pedro Silvério Xavier Pereira, Onassis Henrique Simon Rondon, Matheus Farinha Afonso, Dryelle Sifuentes Pallaoro, Elisangela Clarete Camili, Antônio Renan Berchol Da Silva
2019 Journal of Experimental Agriculture International  
This work aimed to evaluate the influence of the sowing speed on the regularity of longitudinal distribution of maize seeds through a pneumatic metering seeder. The experimentation of 4 sowing speeds (4, 6, 8 and 10 km h-1) was performed in randomized blocks design with four replicates. The parameters evaluated were the mean distance between plants, coefficient of variation of the distance between plants, percentage of acceptable, flawed and double spacings, precision index, plant stand,
more » ... population, mean seed deposition depth, and coefficient of variation of the seed deposition depth. The increase in the operating speed linearly reduced the percentage of acceptable spacings, plant stand, initial population, and mean seed deposition depth. Conversely, it linearly increased the values of mean distance between plants, coefficient of variation of the distance between plants, percentage of double and flawed spacings, precision index, and coefficient of variation of the deposition depth. Therefore, the increase in the displacement speed of the tractor-seeder set reduced the regularity of the longitudinal distribution of the plants, as well as the sowing quality.
doi:10.9734/jeai/2019/v37i230259 fatcat:rqaiodxhlnfgfigmdgj2r2qsxy