Isolation and Identification of Root Nodule Bacteria of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) for Biofertilizer Production

Shraddha Bhatt, R Vyas, H Shelat, Sneha Mistry
2013 International Journal of Research in Pure and Applied Microbiology   unpublished
Nine different isolates of Rhizobium were isolated from Mung bean root nodules, cultivated in different Mung bean agricultural fields in Gujarat. Background: Present investigation-nodules bearing a smooth surface of varying sizes were well established on top as well as lateral portions of roots. Some of the nodules were found to be have rough surface and the colour of the nodules ranged from pink to brown. Good growth of all the isolates was observed on congored yeast extract mannitol agar
more » ... ) medium but was unable to produce chromo genesis on congored medium. All the isolated isolates of Rhizobium failed to show a growth on glucose peptone-agar medium as well as Hofer"s alkaline broth. All test isolates gave a negative test on ketolactose medium. The isolated isolates were found to be Gram negative in nature. In case of casein hydrolysis and starch hydrolysis all the isolates gave negative results. All test isolates reduced nitrate to nitrite and none test isolates produced H 2 S. Isolate AAU-6 produced a maximum gum of 122 mg while isolate AAU-9 produced a minimum of 90 mg. All isolates showed varied on growth characteristic in 2% NaCl while glucose consumption and utilization of nitrogenous compound varied from poor to very good. Conclusion: On the basis of result obtained in the present observation it can be concluded that isolate AAU-6 and AAU-7 were found to be the unsurpassed isolate of Rhizobium and can be exploited as biofertilizers for better yield of Mung bean.