Diseño e implementación de espacios distribuidos de aprendizaje colaborativo mediante la utilización de grandes superficies interactivas y elementos tangibles [thesis]

The development of technology has undoubtedly impacted positively in the educational process, mainly by offering new forms of access, organization and understanding of information, and new ways of communication between students and teachers to facilitate the implementation of educational paradigms based on constructivism and collaborative learning. However, at the same time technology can result in a barrier in the teaching / learning process, since it can create interferences in it. In this
more » ... ard, it is common that students require prior training on the platform or tool to be used, which involves a disruption in the normal educational process, forcing them to be break away for a time of the proper contents of the subject they are studying. Additionally, students are forced to acquire skills in handling technology, which involves a new exigency variable that may negatively influence their learning process. In response to this problem, this thesis aims to provide new solutions based on the use of Natural User Interfaces (NUI), which allows exploiting the potential of technology in the educational process, maximum avoiding any interference in it. Such interfaces offer users a natural way to interact with technology, similar to that used in their everyday processes, hiding their complexity. Such interfaces provide users a natural way to interact with technology, similar to that used in their daily processes, hiding its complexity. In general terms, a DSRM (Design Science Research Methodolody) research methodology has been followed, by performing successive iterations of their schema, from the evaluation of artifacts developed in previous iterations, which have contributed to a refinement and improvement of the final solution.
doi:10.4995/thesis/10251/63269 fatcat:6rue4wq73razxibawskk6j6o5e