Bibliography of Tree Nut Production and Marketing Research, 1960-65

Dorothy M. Lundquist, Jules V. Powell
1967 unpublished
Excerpts from the Preface: This bibliography lists production and marketing research reports on tree nuts published between 1960 and 1965. Reports published between 1945 and I960 appear in the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Miscellaneous Publication 862, which is out of print but may be consulted in libraries. The principal source was the "Bibliography of Agriculture." In addition, State agricultural experiment stations furnished listings of their publications. This bibliography has a section
more » ... for each tree nut [almonds, cashews, chestnuts, filberts, macadamias, pecans, pistachio, walnuts (black), walnuts (English or Persian)] that is important in domestic trade channels.
doi:10.22004/ag.econ.312540 fatcat:2omzkhatgneqnd47af5xwerojq