Roland W. Harris
1907 Canadian Entomologist  
68 THE CANADIAN }NTOMOI.OGTST, scaies, especially on or.rter and inner sides. A whitish shade extends from reniform superioriy to just before apex. S. t' line pale, irregular, broken, precedecl by blackish markings, more pronounced at apex and towards inner angle, the remainder being broken into wedge-shaped markings' A neat, well-marked even tern-rinal black line. Fringe concolorous, obscttrely checkered, with paler basal and rnesial line. Flind wings soiled whitish, with faint discal dot.
more » ... .ge a trifle paler, rvith well-marked line at base. Head and thorax concolororts with fore wing. Abdomen yellowish-
doi:10.4039/ent3968-2 fatcat:xda6m67fenainnhdzbogfuvfn4