The two major CD44 proteins expressed on a metastatic rat tumor cell line are derived from different splice variants: each one individually suffices to confer metastatic behavior

W Rudy, M Hofmann, R Schwartz-Albiez, M Zöller, K H Heider, H Ponta, P Herrlich
1993 Cancer Research  
The metastatic pancreas carcinoma cell line BSp73ASML produces a variety of different splice variants of the transmembrane glycoprotein CD44. The NH2-terminal portions are identical and heavily glycosylated. The variant sequences are inserted just outside the transmembrane region of the molecules. The two most abundant variants have 162 and 85 extra amino acids, respectively. When individually expressed, these suffice to establish metastatic properties in the nonmetastatic tumor cell line
more » ... S, as assayed by the spontaneous metastasis protocol.
pmid:8443806 fatcat:ov3usj5jqjchdkyhbh6d5hp34y