Activating organization by the concept of person centered approach

Shunsaku Hashimoto
2018 Journal of Global Tourism Research  
Many theories for activating an organization have been proposed. For example, it is said that Internal Marketing and Learning Organizations are effective methods of revitalizing an organization. However, in order for these methods to function effectively, it is necessary for the people that constitute the organization to be activated. In order for a person to be in an active state, it is necessary to be healthy in physically and at the same time mentally. Rather, it can be said that the mental
more » ... ealth level takes precedence over the physical health condition. In this paper, the mental healthiness of employees for hotel organizations is examined. As a case, citing a hotel in Japan, the measures that were in place and involvement of the management are shown, and the effects are examined. The research method first considered related previous research, theory about mental support, such as counseling theory, especially the theory of Person Centered Approach (PCA). Next, the concept of PCA was verified concerning introduction to the target organization by literature research, its background and process, and the degree of effectiveness. It is suggested that mental support for employees, who are regarded as personal problems in Japanese hotel organizations and not emphasized, are benefiting from revitalization of the organization.
doi:10.37020/jgtr.3.2_139 fatcat:4ka3tizjczaxrlxgx7sg5ycqpi