Characteristics and Development of Shape-Memory Alloy Heat Engine

Hisaaki TOBUSHI, Kousuke DATE, Kouji MIYAMOTO
2010 Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering  
Since a solid-state heat engine using a shape memory alloy (SMA) works at the temperature difference of several ten degrees, the development of the SMA-heat engine to use the low-temperature thermal energy around 373K is greatly expected from a view-point of global warming prevention. The working principle of the SMA-heat engine is discussed based on the recovery stress of the SMA. The output power characteristics of a tilt-disk offset crank SMA-heat engine and the basic working properties of a
more » ... solar-powered car using an SMA-heat engine are investigated. The subjects for the development of the SMA-heat engine are also discussed.
doi:10.1299/jmmp.4.1094 fatcat:ahrgryct6ndijpnq5ydq2vu2ju