The Effectiveness of Governer Regulation Number 142 Year 2019 Concerning the Obligation to Use the Environmentally-Friendly Shopping Bags at Shopping Centers, Swalayan Stores, and Traditional Markets for Reducing the Use of Plastic Bags in Lindeteves Trade Center (LTC) Glodok

Hansen Joneri, Mella Ismelina Farma Rahayu
2021 Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Business, Social, and Humanities (ICEBSH 2021)   unpublished
This Governor Regulation does not yet provide a transition period for business actors in shopping centers and markets, as well as managers in supermarkets to ensure a transition from using single-use plastic packaging bags to more environmentally friendly packaging bags. There are no social sanctions for violators, this regulation only regulates administrative sanctions for business managers and actors who do not comply, such as reprimands, writing, forced money, license suspension, and license
more » ... revocation. There is no follow-up to publishing which is subject to sanctions, such as including the names of managers or business actors who violate the website of DKI Jakarta or the mass media. This mechanism cannot work if the public does not know which business managers or actors violate it. The price of Eco-friendly Shopping Bags is not affordable so it is ineffective. The lack of replacements for plastic bags at affordable prices has actually led to the rampant smuggling of plastic bags.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.210805.028 fatcat:zcr7vsrerzgcbkfjj7bo5dd6ry