Hb Evora [ 2-35 (B16), Ser->Pro], a novel hemoglobin variant associated with an -thalassemia phenotype

S. Gomes, I. Picanco, A. Miranda, M. T. Seixas, M. Oliveira, L. Romao, P. Faustino
2007 Haematologica  
Hb Évora [α α2-35 (B16), Ser→ →Pro], a novel hemoglobin variant associated with an α α-thalassemia phenotype We report a novel mutation in the α α2-globin gene, codon 35 (T→ →C), detected in two unrelated Portuguese families. This mutation gives rise to a previously undescribed hemoglobin (Hb) variant, which we named Hb Évora. This variant seems to be responsible for the α α-thalassemia phenotype present in its carriers. It cannot be detected by conventional laboratory techniques, probably
more » ... se of its highly unstable nature. Haematologica 2007; 92:252-253
doi:10.3324/haematol.10790 pmid:17296578 fatcat:skex5irgozguxkmc3kkivdyhou