Performance of Petrol-Ethanol Blended Spark Ignition EngineS

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
Experimental investigations were conducted to study the feasibility of alcohol (Ethanol) and its blends with petrol at varying proportions from 0 to 100% in a single cylinder diesel engine converted to operate in spark ignited (SI) mode. Performance and emission characteristics of the SI engine was evaluated and compared with base line petrol operation. Addition of ethanol to petrol provides lower carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC) and nitric oxide (NOx ) emissions. Among all blend ratio
more » ... formance results E75 shows overall improved engine performance with increased brake thermal efficiency (BTE) with lower emissions.
doi:10.35940/ijrte.d9463.118419 fatcat:7tfmdp3ikramjfx36dfuqbrnmu