Finite-Element Method for Calculating the Sound Field in a Tank with Impedance Boundaries

Qi Li, Junhua Xing, Rui Tang, Yiming Zhang
2020 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
In this paper, a finite-element method for calculating the sound field in a water tank with impedance boundaries is proposed based on the theory of standing waves in a tube. The equivalent acoustic impedance of the tank walls is calculated by establishing a three-dimensional axisymmetric virtual standing-wave tube in finite-element software, whereupon boundaries with that impedance are used as the tank boundaries. Since the impedance is the property of the material itself, the calculated
more » ... ce value can be used for the calculation of the three-dimensional sound field. The sound field due to a point source in a glass tank is calculated using the proposed method, the correctness of which is assessed experimentally. By comparing the experimental and numerical results, the proposed method is shown to be correct.
doi:10.1155/2020/6794760 fatcat:i6rx6lucv5ckriy5voeil2yan4