OP0026 Adalimumab serum concentration fails to predict achievement of sustained remission or absence of flare for patients with non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis in the ability-3 study

N.V. Kwatra, M. Magrey, P.J. Mease, J. Sieper, R. Landewe, X. Wang, A. Lertratanakul, J.K. Anderson, N.M. Mostafa
2018 WEDNESDAY, 13 JUNE 2018   unpublished
Conclusions: Long-term therapy with a TNF blocker seems to decelerate progression of structural damage in the SIJ. Elevated CRP and presence of osteitis in MRI were independently associated with SIJ radiographic progression. REFERENCE: [1] Song IH, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2011;70(4):590-596.
doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2018-eular.6515 fatcat:pbzb5bt7lney5eop7wcgdo6ojy