Characterizing glutamate receptor genes of Rat having vertebrate nervous system and Arabidopsis thaliana a plant having equivalent nervous system based on chemical properties of amino acids and investigating evolutionary relationships between them [article]

Antara Sengupta, Pabitra Pal Choudhury
2018 bioRxiv   pre-print
iGluR gene family of a vertebrate, Rat and AtGLR gene family of a plant, Arabidopsis thaliana perform some common functionalities in neuro-transmission, which have been compared quantitatively. Our attempt is based on the chemical properties of amino acids comprising the primary protein sequences of the aforesaid genes. 19 AtGLR genes of length varying from 808 amino acid (aa) to 1039 aa and 16 iGluR genes length varying from 902aa to 1482 aa have been taken as data sets. Thus, we detected the
more » ... ommonalities (conserved elements) during the long evolution of plants and animals from a common ancestor. Eight different conserved regions have been found based on individual amino acids. Two different conserved regions are also found, which are based on chemical groups of amino acids. We have tried too to find different possible patterns which are common throughout the data set taken. 9 such patterns have been found with size varying from 2 to 5 amino acids at different regions in each primary protein sequences. Phylogenetic trees of AtGLR and iGluR families have also been constructed. This approach is likely to shed light on the long course of evolution.
doi:10.1101/273334 fatcat:zlnjjxnc3zdkvgscqdq5m6udxq