Adapting Prior Television Production Experience for Distance Education Instructional Design

Ricky W. Telg
1995 Journal of Applied Communications  
The Purpose of this study was to examine what previously learned television production-related experiences and knowledge television production specialists adapted in their instructional design of distance education programming. The purpose of this study was to examine what previously learned television p roduction-related expefiences and k nowledge television production specialists adapted In their instructional design of distance education programming. The purposive $ample for this stvdy
more » ... ted of 12 television production speclelists who were emplo}•ed for at least one year at universities across the United States, to produce live. interactive. video-based. educational programs. In addition. these spec:iallsts. prior to employment at their respective universities. had no experience or educational background In the field of distance education. Qualitative methods, inc:luding semi-structured interviews, observation, and concept maps, were used to collect data during the stvdy. Findings show that television prodvction specialists use their p revious work experiences and knowledge of communi<:~tion models on which to base much of their instrvctional design techniques. In particular, television production specialists use prior experi· ences as they take into account audience anolysis. the instructor's needs. media integration. and the incorporation of interactivity fn their lnstructiom1I design of d[stance education programming. Rotky W, Teig It an ACE tMn'lbet ond • uls:t•r.1 pn:if.tH,o,r !n tho Ot~~nlof Agr~urol Edu<4tl01'1 otld CommsJnkalk>,n ot the (Jnlvtrtl\y of flofWo, This •rtielot wo, bow:d on Te!g't dl. uertotlon rucotc h.
doi:10.4148/1051-0834.1386 fatcat:nkofx2ukrzalhice3z4a2khjcq