Power System Transient Stability Preventive and Emergency Control [chapter]

Daniel Ruiz-Vega, Louis Wehenkel, Damien Ernst, Alejandro Pizano-Martínez, Claudio R. Fuerte-Esquivel
2014 Power Electronics and Power Systems  
A general approach to real-time transient stability control is described, yielding various complementary techniques: pure preventive, open-loop emergency, and closed-loop emergency controls. Recent progress in terms of a global transient stability-constrained optimal power flow is presented, yielding in a scalable nonlinear programming formulation which allows to take near-optimal decisions for preventive control with a computing budget corresponding only to a few runs of standard optimal power
more » ... flow and time-domain simulations. These complementary techniques meet the stringent conditions imposed by the real-life applications.
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-06680-6_5 fatcat:yabv5h2no5gnnpklak2chpcfgi