Two-current model of the composition dependence of resistivity in amorphous (Fe100−xCox)89−yZr7B4Cuy alloys using a rigid-band assumption

S. Shen, Paul Ohodnicki, S. J. Kernion, Michael Mchenry
Composition dependence of resistivity is studied in amorphous (Fe100−xCox)89−yZr7B4Cuy (0 ≤ x ≤ 50, y = 0, 1) alloys. The two-current model proposed by Mott for crystalline materials is extended to a disordered amorphous system where s-d scattering is dominant in electron conduction. A rigid-band assumption is made due to the small atomic number difference between Fe and Co. Band structures with a constant density of states (DOS), parabolic distributed DOS, and Gaussian distributed DOS were
more » ... stigated to fit experimental data. The Gaussian distributed DOS was found to simulate the resistivity maximum and magnetic moment maximum in the Fe-rich region. The basic concepts presented here can potentially provide insight into the optimization of FeCo-based HITPERM alloys for applications at increased frequencies.
doi:10.1184/r1/6490598 fatcat:hfgq45z5k5hqtkpntzpdzxkpc4