Root cause analysis of rough conical seat grinding problem in fuel pump cylinder head by Shainin methodology

Sanket Shankar Kadam, N. M. Virupakshappa, U. Achutha Kini, P.B. Raghuvir, T.M. Mathew
2018 MATEC Web of Conferences  
Problem solving plays a major role in quality engineering and it is popularly adopted by manufacturing industry. This study is aimed to determine root cause for rejection of cylinder head due to rough conical grinding problem by Shainin method. This has two major parts, first is diagnostic part which involves finding out the root cause and second is a remedial action part which consist of actual application of findings to rule out the problem. Wear in tool holder assembly is identified as root
more » ... ause for rough grinding problem. Converging to root cause and validating the same achieved by successful implementation of Shainin tools.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/201714405009 fatcat:3xflbuvc4fek5ox33nda5mbqxe