Strong Normalization by Type-Directed Partial Evaluation and Run-Time Code Generation (Preliminary Version)

Vincent Balat, Olivier Danvy
1997 BRICS Report Series  
We investigate the synergy between type-directed partial evaluation and run-time code generation for the Caml dialect of ML. Type-directed partial evaluation maps simply typed, closed Caml values to a representation of their long beta-eta-normal form. Caml uses a virtual machine and has the capability to load byte code at run time. Representing the long beta-eta-normal forms as byte code gives us the ability to strongly normalize higher-order values (i.e., weak head normal forms in ML), to
more » ... le the resulting strong normal forms into byte code, and to load this byte code all in one go, at run time.<br />We conclude this note with a preview of our current work on scaling<br />up strong normalization by run-time code generation to the Caml<br />module language.
doi:10.7146/brics.v4i43.18969 fatcat:2u3gn2vthnh7vekesxcvymykkm