Effect of Magnetic Field on Dilepton Production Rate in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

P. K. Sethy, Y. Kumar, S. S. Singh
2020 Journal of Scientific Research  
It is believed that a transient strong magnetic field is generated in heavy-ion collision. The strength of this field perpendicular to the reaction plane and is estimated to be around eB=0.03GeV2 at RHIC and eB=0.3GeV2 at LHC. We study the effect of this magnetic field on dilepton yield using a modified quasi particle model. The results show a clear enhancement in dilepton yield and our result is in good agreement with the recently reported results.
doi:10.3329/jsr.v12i2.43938 fatcat:qw4zxwwn5rdbflsw4b5rxw55r4