Detecting Endogenous Growth Regulators on the Sarcotesta, Sclerotesta, Endosperm, and Embryo by Paper Chromatography on Fresh and Old Seeds of Two Papaya Varieties

Manuel N. Reyes, Agripino Pérez, José Cuevas
1969 The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico  
Sarcotesta, sclerotesta, endosperm and embryo of fresh and old (0 and 3 years, respectively) seeds of the P.R. 6-65 and P.R. 8-65 papaya varieties were separately analyzed by paper chromatography to determine the presence of natural growth inhibitor that might be responsible for the reduction in germination of papaya seeds during storage. The results showed that in the innermost seed parts (embryo and endosperm) endogenous growth promoters were found while the outermost structures (sarcotesta
more » ... d sclerotesta) contained inhibitors. Therefore, it is possible that the natural growth inhibitors of this seed might be minimized by removing the sarcotesta (the gelatinous envelope) of the seed, which contains the most endogenous growth inhibitors, plus a careful washing to eliminate the soluble inhibitors of the sclerotesta during the extraction of seeds from the fruits.
doi:10.46429/jaupr.v64i2.10229 fatcat:yx2if3cu6bdprknjvkhxt3zyqa