Robert Girling
2019 Revista Internacional de Educação de Jovens e Adultos  
Education for sustainability is essential in order to develop individuals with knowledge and skills to make decisions based on their environmental, social and economic context with an orientation toward action and change. More and more companies and business leaders around the world realize that they can benefit from a range of sustainable business initiatives which reduce costs or provide strategic advantages. Consequently there is a need for an adult education system to inform students as
more » ... as provide training needed to provide solutions by a new generation of company leaders and new demands by governments and international agencies. This article discusses how adult teachers in business schools can combine lectures, multimedia and an experiential simulation to teach about the tools and benefits of sustainable business strategies.
doi:10.31892/rieja.v2i3.7678 fatcat:db7354epbfhhpmvh7hcs3j3ul4