Inducen cambios relevantes en las estimaciones de la talla los nuevos procedimientos de construcción de curvas de crecimiento

Rubén Quesada Mercedes, Lilia Ester Rodríguez Chávez, Mercedes Esquivel Lauzurique, Ciro González Fernández, Vilma Tamayo Pérez
Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas  
¿Inducen cambios relevantes en las estimaciones de la talla los nuevos procedimientos de construcción de curvas de crecimiento? Objective: To evaluate discrepancies between percentiles' estimates from both methods. Material and methods: supine-decubitus length data and height from Cubans under 20 years old from the first National Growth and Development Study (ENCD) were examined. Perpercentiles were estimated viEl método BCPE a the BCPE method implemented in GAMLSS' package supported in R
more » ... ge. Comparison of smoothed percentiles obtained from both procedures were plotted to evaluate discrepancies. Results: The best fitted models were: for female supine-decubitus lengths the NO (DFµ=10;DFϭ=5;age 0.001 ) and NO(DFµ=14;DFϭ=6;age 0.006 ) for male respectively and NO(DFµ=16;DFϭ=10;age 0.544 ) and NO(DFµ=16;DFϭ=12;age 0.117 ) for female and male height. Height percentiles estimates were closely enough using either method. Some differences were detected for length percentiles, possibly due to computational corrections done while calculating standard deviations of ENCD. Conclusions: Some differences were detected for length percentiles estimations but not for the height. The use of computational procedure is recommended because its considerable reduction of the subjective charge as compare with the method used before.
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