Nanaimo Free Press [Monday, January 24, 1898] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
It is only by haid wolk. endurance and y to stand privations and dangers ton.oii.i Gan be Realized Dn.oiiBl .ro.!, for th» toi:o»ia« lol.i^lin* eitrtcii from .Irlitr nc ived bv tdm ;a, Nov. Hi. W7 1 joar latter to* the dream a reality ycu should obUin of u. *b.p ih.r tbid m * •« w«,50 of ot when lh»r told n» f-«r« wmi no um 'oVA'sriirzn':^. " s-r^s' Tb» country fi not «o bod of tt.m country fi not «o bod u .cm. c wo Id you bellen. TbeT* 4> of .now-clear and froity bol noOli • eiovrt. Ill, one of Ui*
doi:10.25316/ir-10338 fatcat:6jkxg4rrvrfqfmxwsvmhi7w2ya