Automated Usability Measurement of Arbitrary Desktop Application with Eyetracking

Pavol Fabo, Roman Durikovic
2012 2012 16th International Conference on Information Visualisation  
Nowadays in software development process more attention is paid to the final usability of the product. To achieve such usability we use various methods from user centered design up to the usability evaluation methods, requiring much attention from usability experts. The presense of these experts are needed both during capturing and analysing usability data, which eventually costs too much. We propose a tool for automated data capturing during user tests as well as a captured data analysis in
more » ... er to evaluate the recorded interaction and guide the attention of software developers. Furthermore we provide a simple statistics of user tests as well as a means to browse recorded data with the interaction context extended with eye tracking data.
doi:10.1109/iv.2012.105 dblp:conf/iv/FaboD12 fatcat:rxolqeib3jdfzlndatzocgpr3m