The spiders of the United States; a collection of the arachnological writings of Nicholas Marcellus Hentz. Edited by Edward Burgess, with notes and descriptions by James H. Emerton [book]

Nicholas Marcellus Hentz, Edward. Burgess, J. H. Emerton
1875 unpublished
Characters. Cheliceres large with a fang nearly equal to their length, articulated downward; maxille tapering upward, insertion of the palpi lateral ; lip concealed ; eyes eight, subequal, collected in front of the cephalothorax, two in the centre, and on each side of these there is a cluster ; feet 4. 1. 2. 3. Habits. Araneides sedentary, dwelling in silk tubes placed in the ground. [224] ~* Observations. The habits of the animals of this subgenus are but little known, owing to the obscure
more » ... tions which they select. They are probably nocturnal. Atypus niger. Pl. 2, fig. 1. a andd. Description. Deep black; cephalothorax flattened, horny, with three depressions ; a white membrane at the base of the cheliceres. A small species. Observations. A solitary individual (a male) was found in June, on newly turned soil, at Northampton, Mass., by the son of the late Prof. W.D. Peck. I am not acquainted with A, rufipes found by Mr. Milbert, near Philadelphia. Habitat. Massachusetts.
doi:10.5962/bhl.title.3570 fatcat:nreu4d23wrc7xepfpt2nmzvjby