Evaluation instrument of nutrition literacy on adults (EINLA) A validity and reliability study

2015 Integrative Food Nutrition and Metabolism  
Literacy has a key role in eating habits. With the integration of nutrition science and literacy, and with the establishment of nutrition literacy vision in society, people can be helped to increase their control over their eating behaviors and to lead a more healthy way of life. Objective: This study was conducted to develop a valid and reliable nutrition literacy assessment tool. Materials and methods: The Evaluation Instrument of Nutrition Literacy on Adults developed to assess the
more » ... t of Nutrition Literacy was applied to 266 people residing in Sivas, a province in Turkey. The participants were at least elementary school graduates and between the age of 18 and 64. Experts' opinions regarding the assessment tool were found to be consistent with each other. Upon the completion of factor analysis conducted to assess construct validity, all but one of the items (item 1) in the assessment tool were determined to have load factors greater than 0.30 and the tool considered to have a 5-factor structure. In order to investigate the reliability of the responses given to questions, the assessment tool was reapplied to 60 people selected by systematic sampling methods three weeks after its first administration, and the correlation coefficient was found to be 0.85 using the test-retest method. The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of the assessment tool was 0.75. The mean item difficulty and discriminant indices were 0.552 and 0.730 respectively. After the validity and reliability analysis, of the 38 items in the assessment tool, three were removed, thus, the Evaluation Instrument of Nutrition Literacy on Adults consisted of 35 questions. Conclusion: The analysis revealed that the "Evaluation Instrument of Nutrition Literacy on Adults" is a valid and reliable tool and can be used to assess nutrition literacy.
doi:10.15761/ifnm.1000114 fatcat:zdqifvgp2bdtnd4bxo3gd6e3cm