Reentrant network formation in patchy colloidal mixtures under gravity

Daniel de las Heras, Lucas L. Treffenstädt, Matthias Schmidt
2016 Physical review. E  
We study a two-dimensional binary mixture of patchy colloids in sedimentation-diffusion-equilibrium using Monte Carlo simulation and Wertheim's theory. By tuning the buoyant masses of the colloids we can control the gravity-induced sequence of fluid stacks of differing density and percolation properties. We find complex stacking sequences with up to four layers and reentrant network formation, consistently in simulations and theoretically using only the bulk phase diagram as input. Our theory
more » ... plies to general patchy colloidal mixtures and is relevant to understanding experiments under gravity.
doi:10.1103/physreve.93.030601 pmid:27078278 fatcat:t6dhxuj34bgjxcmfukdrwzk2hm