Identification and Characterization of Nursery Areas of Red Mullet Mullus barbatus in the Central Tyrrhenian Sea

Alessandro Criscoli, Paolo Carpentieri, Francesco Colloca, Andrea Belluscio, Giandomenico Ardizzone
2017 Marine and Coastal Fisheries  
Red Mullet Mullus barbatus is an important target of fishing activities in the central Tyrrhenian Sea, so it is essential to identify its critical habitats in order to manage this resource efficiently. Our research specifically focused on the identification and characterization of nursery areas. The use of spatial interpolation techniques enabled us to identify five nurseries that were highly persistent through time. Moreover, the estimate of juvenile density confirmed the strong aggregation
more » ... ect of these nursery grounds, as a great portion of young individuals were concentrated in a relatively small surface of the study area. The environmental characterization of these areas showed that juveniles were mainly distributed on bottoms with a relatively high percentage of sand (>70%; P < 0.05). Shannon biodiversity index analysis indicated that the southern nurseries reached the highest values of habitat quality (P < 0.0001). Multivariate analysis showed that nursery grounds were divided into three main groups, and analysis of spatial dynamics showed that two different strategies characterized Red Mullet juveniles when density changes over time. In particular, in some areas young individuals selected habitats in a densitydependent way following the basin model scheme, while in other zones they selected habitats in a densityindependent way according to the proportional density model. Results also showed that juveniles followed the proportional density model strategy into nursery areas with the highest Shannon biodiversity index values.
doi:10.1080/19425120.2017.1290723 fatcat:d3eubte54fde3k7hzuhezmon6u