Asphyxiation by a child's dummy

M G Clayton, J Ratkinson, G Isaacs
1987 BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)  
She was followed up regularly for almost two years and showed no signs of relapse. She stopped taking antithyroid drugs several times and suffered brief relapses of hyperthyroidism, but without any psychosis. Comment Hyperthyroidism commonly presents with mental changes such as irritability and anxiety, but psychotic symptoms like hallucination and delusion are rare. The review by Ellis and Mellsop shows that de C1erambault's syndrome is also rare. Our case satisfied all the criteria of the
more » ... rome, but it did not run a chronic course. The prognosis of the primary disorder is generally poor,23 but in this case of secondary erotomania the outcome was good.
doi:10.1136/bmj.295.6606.1098 fatcat:mev7k27ym5c4hdpcbjnah4457i