Revision of the Ungulate Fauna and Upper Pleistocene Stratigraphy of Veternica Cave (Zagreb, Croatia)

Preston T. Miracle, Dejana Brajković
2010 Geologia Croatica  
Revision of the Veternica ungulates removes Dama dama (L.)(fallow deer) and Megaceros giganteus (BLUMENBACH) (giantdeer) from the species list and adds Bison priscus (BOJ ANUS) (bison)to it. The rhino remains do not allow a specific determination. A/cesa/ces (L.)(elk) and Capreolus capreolus (L.) (roe deer) are rarerthan previously thought. Rupicapra rupicapra (L.) (chamois) remainsare particularly common in levels d and h. Capra ibex (L.)(ibex) is limited to level d, while Sus scrofa (L.)(pig)
more » ... needs to beadded to the faunallist of level e. Cervus ela ph us (L. )(red deer) isthe most common ungulate in all of the levels, with the exceptionof level d and perhaps level h. This revision remove s all of the socalledwarm period ungulates from the fauna and casts doubt on aninterglacial date for level j. Therefore, we suggest that level j atVeternica does not date to the last interglacial maximum (oxygenisotope sub-stage Se, e. 128-118,000 BP), but to a later and coolertime period with a more open environment. The sediments, however,do indicate relatively warm and wet conditions of deposition,at least with regards to the rest of the profile. We favor a date duringsub-stages Sc or Sa (e. 100,000 and 80,000 BP, respectively),but leave the question open for the time being.
doi:10.4154/gc.1992.01 doaj:60b95e0706844237963b1c507f213c08 fatcat:57bcfa7pczho5isxwxed2hk47y