Experimental behavior of a CFRP damaged panel subjected to compressive stress

Alessandro Castriota, Vito Dattoma, Benedetto Gambino, Riccardo Nobile, Andrea Saponaro
2019 Procedia Structural Integrity  
In this work, a numerical analysis of the buckling behavior of a panel in CFRP with longitudinal and transverse stiffeners is reported. The focus was to evaluate the influence of damage at the center of the panel, simulated with a cut that affects the central stringer and the underlying skin. Two FEM models have been created: one with damage and the other intact. The numerical models reproduce the component to estimate the axial rigidity, the deformation field and the unstable behavior before
more » ... ckling. Experimental tests were carried out using a test facility for medium-sized structural elements on a real damaged component with saw-cut. Two comparisons have been made. In a first comparison, the experimental campaign confirmed the results of the numerical model performed for a damaged component. Subsequently, a comparison between numerical cases was made. The influence of damage on the buckling load and on the axial stiffness was evaluated. Abstract In this work, a numerical analysis of the buckling behavior of a panel in CFRP with longitudinal and transverse stiffeners is reported. The focus was to evaluate the influence of damage at the center of the panel, simulated with a cut that affects the central stringer and the underlying skin. Two FEM models have been created: one with damage and the other intact. The numerical models reproduce the component to estimate the axial rigidity, the deformation field and the unstable behavior before buckling. Experimental tests were carried out using a test facility for medium-sized structural elements on a real damaged component with saw-cut. Two comparisons have been made. In a first comparison, the experimental campaign confirmed the results of the numerical model performed for a damaged component. Subsequently, a comparison between numerical cases was made. The influence of damage on the buckling load and on the axial stiffness was evaluated.
doi:10.1016/j.prostr.2020.02.025 fatcat:kmtriqkodjalzh364v4iq23gna