Interfacial Mechanisms of Moisture Degradation in Graphite-Epoxy Composites

D. H. Kaelble, P. J. Dynes, L. W. Crane, L. Maus
1975 The journal of adhesion  
This presentation reports on the second year of our participation in this NDE program (Ref. 1). The purpose of this work is two-fold and this talk divides itself naturally into two segments which relctte to the following objer.tives: 1) To determine the effects of moisture degradation on the mechanical properties of a graphite-epoxy composite under study for use on B-1. 2) To apply promising techniques found in last year's program to detect moisture degradation nondestructively.
doi:10.1080/00218467508078896 fatcat:sfq4awa5n5gzxfkiyft2ix5cem