Perceptually Motivated Audio Equalization Using Fixed-Pole Parallel Second-Order Filters

B. Bank
2008 IEEE Signal Processing Letters  
In audio, equalizer design should take into account the frequency resolution of the auditory system. In this paper, this is accomplished by the fixed-pole design of parallel secondorder filters. The design process has two steps: first, the poles of the filter are set according to the desired frequency resolution. Then, the feedforward coefficients of the second-order filters are determined by a linear least squares solution. The proposed parallel filter achieves effectively the same
more » ... results as the Kautz filter, but requires 33% fewer multiplications and additions. Index Terms-audio signal processing, IIR digital filters, room response equalization.
doi:10.1109/lsp.2008.921473 fatcat:6pzqa6nosrfwlk4nld27ozsasq