Data transfer Rate of the Wireless Node Moving in the Static Wireless Network Space
고정 무선네트워크 공간 내에서의 무선노드 이동시 데이터 전송률

Cheol Lee, Jung-Suk Lee
2016 The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences  
In this paper, we efficiently simulated for collecting the data from the fixed sensor and mobile sensor of patients using the LEACH-Mobile method. The LEACH-Mobile method is the protocol to increase the mobility by adding the mobile node to the existed LEACH(:Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) protocol. It improves the mobility of The LEACH-Mobile in the LEACH, however it consumes more energy than the existed LEACH. There is reason why we use the LEACH-Mobile that the monitoring system
more » ... generally done by the CCTV and an periodic checkup by nurses. However the number of nurse is a few in the most of hospital. It can happen the accidents of the patients in out of the CCTV when the nurse can not see the monitoring system in the hospital. Therefore it is simulated to continuously gather the data of the position and sensors in the five situation of moving the patients in the hospital, it gets the result that the management of the mobile patients is more efficient.
doi:10.13067/jkiecs.2016.11.10.941 fatcat:3jy7cggeena3tk53b5rqzoqcpu