Pharmacognostic Study of Bhustrina (Cymbopogon citratus Stapf.)

Seema Pradeep, Shivamanjunath MP
2020 Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences (JAIMS)  
The plant Cymbopogon citratus Stapf. commonly known as Lemon grass belongs to Poeceae family and is a native of tropical countries, especially in Southeast Asia. Various studies has been done on the plant to reveal its potential therapeutic effects. Methodology: The study deals with detailed study about Ayurvedic literature of Cymbopogon, macro morphology and microscopy of transverse section of the Cymbopogon leaves. Other parameters like physicochemical constants and phytochemical screening
more » ... e studied using the standard protocol. Results: The study provides referential information for the correct identification and standardization of crude drug of Cymbopogon citratus Stapf.
doi:10.21760/jaims.5.2.10 fatcat:h3qoqkztwrfurbwrupxcs47mxu