Flux pinning characteristics in cylindrical niobium samples used for superconducting radio frequency cavity fabrication

Asavari S Dhavale, Pashupati Dhakal, Anatolii A Polyanskii, Gianluigi Ciovati
2012 Superconductors Science and Technology  
We present the results of from DC magnetization and penetration depth measurements of cylindrical bulk large-grain (LG) and fine-grain (FG) niobium samples used for the fabrication of superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities. The surface treatment consisted of electropolishing and low temperature baking as they are typically applied to SRF cavities. The magnetization data were fitted using a modified critical state model. The critical current density Jc and pinning force Fp are calculated
more » ... from the magnetization data and their temperature dependence and field dependence are presented. The LG samples have lower critical current density and pinning force density compared to FG samples which implies a lower flux trapping efficiency. This effect may explain the lower values of residual resistance often observed in LG cavities than FG cavities.
doi:10.1088/0953-2048/25/6/065014 fatcat:navvqshpzjbvtiqajtam2hgtea