The influence of word order and case inflection on sentence comprehension at preschool children

Ivo Mimica
2018 Papers on Philosophy Psychology Sociology and Pedagogy  
In 3x3 experimental design researh the influence of word order and case inflection was investigated. The experimental materials were 36 three-word simple transitive sentences, which were presented to each subject. Each sentence was in one of the possible forms of word order (NVN, NNV, VNN), and case inflection (Nom.-Acc.; Acc.-Nom.; Without-Without). There were nine different forms of presented sentences. The subjects were 16 (6 years old) preschool children (8 boys and 8 girls) from
more » ... n. The results were analyzed with the analysis of variance and they showed that there is no significant influence of word order on sentence interpretation, except in the situation when we have a sentence without inflectional information. In that situation word order is an important information for the decision who/whait is the actor in the sentence. The results concerninig case inflection gave us the information that there is a dominant influence of case inflection in sentence processing. Our subjects made their decision about the actor in the sentence governed by case inflectional information whenever that kind of information was present.
doi:10.15291/radovifpsp.2423 fatcat:unebpgchynbzhciofc744ehsve