Colliding Pressure, Peening Effect and Removing Rate Exerted on Substrate by Blasting

Toshifum KUBOHORI, Toru ITO, Yasuyuki INUI
2007 Journal of High Temperature Society  
Blasting is a substrate processing technique during which spherical or granular materials made of metal or ceramics are jetted against the surface of substrate using compressed air. Blasting causes a variety of effects to appear on the substrate because the blasting material collides at high speed on the surface of substrate. As causes of influences exerted on the substrate, colliding pressure or particle shapes of the blasting material are conceivable. Results of this investigation are
more » ... ed as follows. In the range of blasting distance h at 10 -150 mm, the maximum colliding pressure Pmax became highest at h = 10 mm. Moreover, the blasting surface area increased with an increase of h. Pmax went up as the blasting pressure increased, and suddenly dropped with an increase of h. The colliding pressure P was hardly affected by the type and particle size of blasting material, but was greatly influenced by and h. The arc height H was larger with steel shot than with steel grit. Shot had greater influences than grit on work hardening. Under the peening effect by blasting, work hardening was induced and the fatigue strength f increased. The removal ratio of specimen are different in each particle size.
doi:10.7791/jhts.33.306 fatcat:iawwuoih3vebllzuw4ap5zv3py