Examining the charging behaviour of nickel hydroxide nanomaterials

Joseph H.L. Hadden, Mary P. Ryan, D. Jason Riley
2019 Electrochemistry communications  
A B S T R A C T To investigate the depth of charging at the material surface, batches of nickel hydroxide nanoparticles were hydrothermally synthesised in the range 3-450 nm. Any surfactant added was removed post synthesis using ozone. The capacity per gram (C s ) increased and the capacity per unit area (C A ) was constant with decreasing particle size down to 20 nm. Further reduction in particle size resulted in a decrease in both C S and C A , suggesting the Ni(OH) 2 is charged to a depth in
more » ... the order of 10 nm at the charging rate studied. The results obtained have implications in the design of Ni(OH) 2 electrodes in charge storage applications. Nanoplates of Ni(OH) 2 were synthesised using hydrothermal https://doi.
doi:10.1016/j.elecom.2019.02.012 fatcat:stcchntkwffrxggftobkvawu7a