Iconographic Analysis of Media Texts on Media Literacy Education Classes

Alexander Fedorov
2015 Evropejskij Issledovatelʹ  
Iconographic analysis is associative analysis of the media texts' images (eg, water, fire -as symbols of purity and destruction) associated with the semiotic analysis. Art historians, scientists, semiotics, media theorists and practitioners of media education have written thousands of volumes, which convincingly proved that the decoding / decoding of audio-visual images sometimes difficult, requiring considerable knowledge and skills of the process of intellectual and creative work.
more » ... analysis of media texts based on the key concept of media language, and suggests that media education aims to develop knowledge of the ways in which media texts express his idea, and develop the knowledge, improving skills of textual analysis that can be attached to fixed or moving images recorded on the medium of sound or any combination of the above. The initial stage of the iconographic analysis of media texts offer students concentrate on careful perception of audiovisual images on the description of their characteristic features. The audience learns conventional codes of media texts, followed by a smooth transition to the interpretation and evaluation of media texts. As a result, the audience media competence is developing in relation to visual images.
doi:10.13187/er.2015.96.502 fatcat:3ehmcw3kxzabjm45ntgbt64avy