Influence of the ground-state topology on domain-wall energy in the Edwards-Anderson±Jspin glass model

F. Romá, S. Risau-Gusman, A. J. Ramirez-Pastor, F. Nieto, E. E. Vogel
2007 Physical Review B  
We study the phase stability of the Edwards-Anderson spin-glass model by analyzing the domain-wall energy. For the bimodal distribution of bonds, a topological analysis of the ground state allows us to separate the system into two regions: the backbone and its environment. We find that the distributions of domain-wall energies are very different in these two regions for the three dimensional (3D) case. Although the backbone turns out to have a very high phase stability, the combined effect of
more » ... ese excitations and correlations produces the low global stability displayed by the system as a whole. On the other hand, in two dimensions (2D) we find that the surface of the excitations avoids the backbone. Our results confirm that a narrow connection exists between the phase stability of the system and the internal structure of the ground-state. In addition, for both 3D and 2D we are able to obtain the fractal dimension of the domain wall by direct means.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.75.020402 fatcat:cy22que6xregjlxsgv3uke4jhe