Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: An Overview

Md. Sajid, Syed Hamid
2017 International Journal of Computer Applications  
When more than 1 terminal/node/device, that has networking and communication capabilities, communicate with a similar device in the absence of a centralized admin or a situation where dynamic network of wireless nodes communicates amongst each other without any fixed infrastructure it is called MANET (Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks). MANET is autonomous wireless mobile host systems where the node are dynamically linked to each other, at times acting as routers as well. In this paper we will discuss a
more » ... pical wired network, its characteristics, and its ever changing network configuration without limit of size or direction. Thus arriving at a need for a new routing protocol (optional path agreements) that will specify the nodes for this purpose. The ideal routing protocol must not only enable the identification of the best path but also enable the Ad Hoc Network to adapt to this route dynamically. We will also discuss types of MANET, its history along with approaches of wireless mobile. We will also touch upon the various routing protocol suggested for the Ad-Hoc Network along with possible applications of MANET, pros & Cons, characteristic analysis and routing protocols. 19 the military communication technology utilizing it. In 1990s commercial radio and wireless technologies become aware of the tremendous potential of MANET outside the domain of defense communication and technology.
doi:10.5120/ijca2017915555 fatcat:hjr5crwgofavdmphdqajjk5wqy