RGB Camera-based Real-time 21 DoF Hand Pose Tracking
RGB 카메라 기반 실시간 21 DoF 손 추적

Junyeong Choi, Jong-Il Park
2014 Journal of Broadcast Engineering  
This paper proposes a real-time hand pose tracking method using a monocular RGB camera. Hand tracking has high ambiguity since a hand has a number of degrees of freedom. Thus, to reduce the ambiguity the proposed method adopts the step-by-step estimation scheme: a palm pose estimation, a finger yaw motion estimation, and a finger pitch motion estimation, which are performed in consecutive order. Assuming a hand to be a plane, the proposed method utilizes a planar hand model, which facilitates a
more » ... hand model regeneration. The hand model regeneration modifies the hand model to fit a current user's hand, and improves robustness and accuracy of the tracking results. The proposed method can work in real-time and does not require GPU-based processing. Thus, it can be applied to various platforms including mobile devices such as Google Glass. The effectiveness and performance of the proposed method will be verified through various experiments.
doi:10.5909/jbe.2014.19.6.942 fatcat:tv2spwclxbgfbjrmge5sudnh2e