On Skis to the North Pole, by Vladimir Snegiryev

Christopher C. Shank
1986 Arctic  
Readers of modem adventure-travel literature have, perhaps unconsciously, become accustomed to a common style in which danger and hardship tend to be deliberately understated, self-portraits are often humorously self-deprecatory, and the book's intent is unabashedly to pay off the expedition debts. In On Skis to the North Pole we have the Soviet version of this genre and it is a very different beast indeed. I enjoyed reading this book and can thoroughly recommend it to anybody interested in the
more » ... history of whaling or arctic exploration, and the quality of writing should appeal to the specialist and layman alike.
doi:10.14430/arctic2377 fatcat:wdlqjotzjnasxjd7pbif7atfla