Piotr Krzykowski
2018 Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series International Relations  
The world we are dealing with today has made security issues one of the most important matters in the modern world and world of the future. Due to the evolution of thinking about safety, but also because of the often common perception of these problems, these issues have not always been properly interpreted. Today, the security environment is heteronomous in relation to the surroundings, time and actors at the international security scene. In this respect, particular attention needs to be paid
more » ... o security threats and their perception by political scene entities. Dynamic changes that have taken place in the world mean that knowledge of the modern security environment will quickly become outdated. The aim of the article is to present contemporary threats bearing the hallmarks of hybridity, affecting international security, as well as state security. It attempts to explain what hybridity is and how to define hybrid actions, phases of hybrid actions and the impact of hybrid actions on PEMSII areas. The first part of the article presents the contemporary dimension of safety and the characteristics of hybrid actions. It seeks to formulate a new analytical approach to armed conflicts in the context of contemporary security challenges, including their asymmetry, cultural divisions and side effects of globalisation. The second part of the article presents the areas and phases of hybrid actions, the implications of understanding hybrid challenges, opportunities and threats resulting from the changes taking place in the global security environment.
doi:10.30970/vir.2018.45.0.9454 fatcat:zdkufvvrqbgw5jnshkfwmfh64a