An Understanding of the Students' Perception about COVID-19 Pandemic and its Impacts on Pakhtun Society

Jan Alam, Akhtar Munir, Nauman Tahir
2021 Sir Syed Journal of Education & Social Research (SJESR)  
COVID-19 Pandemic has different effects on society. Its effects have been differently perceived by different classes; one such important class is the university students because they play an important role in the development of a society. To explore their perception, this article used an interpretive approach to understand its impacts on education, the economy, and socio-cultural practices. The researchers used in-depth open-ended interviews for data collection. The sample size of the study
more » ... isted of twenty-four students i.e. six each from FATA University, Kohat University of Science and Technology, Preston University, and University of Peshawar. The primary data were analyzed by using the thematic analysis technique. The results reveal that there are divergent beliefs and superstitions about the prevention and presence of coronavirus. These included conspiracies about physicians and hospitals as death houses, and social distancing being a violation of cultural norms and values. The major impacts are observed on education, economy, psychological wellbeing, and socio-cultural practices. This study provides a roadmap for policymakers and future scholars to understand socio-cultural, educational, economic, and psychological problems that emerged due to COVID-19 Pandemic.
doi:10.36902/sjesr-vol4-iss2-2021(211-221) fatcat:zxly7byckngvjgrojrhwrsjqh4