Economic Potentials of Home Industry based on Local Food Processing (Cassava) to support Food Security in Situbondo Regency

Martono Martono, S. Sari, D. B. Zahrosa
2020 International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science  
Development emphasizing the characteristics of an area can increase food security optimally. However, to improve food security, it is not only applied at the regional level but also at the household level because food security at the household level is closely related to food security at the regional level. The objectives of this study are: (1) To figure out the potential centers of cassava development in Situbondo Regency; (2) To find out the economic analysis of cassava-based processed
more » ... s in Situbondo Regency; and (3) To develop strategies for developing home industry of cassava-based processed products in Situbondo Regency. The study was conducted in Situbondo Regency. The research method used was descriptive and analytical approaches using primary and secondary data collection methods. Sampling in the vertical home industry was done by using the snowball sampling method, a method that starts from several entrepreneurs who are asked to show other entrepreneurs, especially those who process cassava processed products. The data was analyzed using base sector analysis, economic analysis (income and value-added) and Force Field Analysis (FFA). The results revealed that two out of seventeen sub-districts in Situbondo had potential land area and production, namely Sumber Malang District and Arjasa District. Cassava commodity-based processed products have economic values; they are income and value-added whichvary in each home industry. The strategy of developing cassava-based processed products in Situbondo Regency was the empowerment that focused not only on exploitative goals but also was directed at empowering farmers and home industry entrepreneurs through partnerships.
doi:10.22161/ijaers.74.21 fatcat:bttjtm2kxfatxgvylvtuztzgmm