Schoolrs Head Strategy in Improving for Services Participants of Training Skills in Education and Scientific Training Center Malahayati Aceh Indonesia

Fazri Hermanto, Cut Zahri Harun, Sakdiah Ibrahim
2018 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Educational Management and Administration (CoEMA 2018)   unpublished
The purpose of this study was to determine: the program formulation, execution management, and constraints faced by the head of the hall in the running manaje men and improve the professional instructor. This study uses descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques: Observation, Interviews and Study of Documentation studies. The subjects of this research was the head of the hall, sub-department heads, instructors, participants training. The results showed that: (1)
more » ... he head of the hall in improving services to participants Diklat, formulation mechanism begins with finding out the cultural and social background, and consultation between stakeholders, instructor. Programs compiled, long-term, medium program and short-term programs, and all these programs focus on regulations Ministry Transportation as well as instructions from IMO ( International Maritime Organization ). All of this is already in the hall chief management contained in the program hall to improve the service. (2) The head of the hall carrying out management of head hall to improve pelayana n by way of head hall management implement it to yourself as an example for his subordinates and the head of the hall make approaches unt uk improving professional instructors.
doi:10.2991/coema-18.2018.13 fatcat:6nulaqp7pja6bkzsbtaay6lcuq