On-chip supercontinuum generation in nanostructured Ge11.5As24Se64.5 chalcogenide waveguides using Panda-ring resonator

S. Suwanarat, S. Chiangga, I.S. Amiri, S.Z. Haider, M.S. Aziz, J. Ali, G. Singh, R. Poznanski, P. Yupapin, K.T.V. Grattan
2018 Results in Physics  
This is the published version of the paper. This version of the publication may differ from the final published version. Permanent repository link: http://openaccess.city.ac.uk/20016/ Link to published version: http://dx. A B S T R A C T The on-chip scale microring circuit is proposed to numerically investigate the supercontinuum (SC) generation of light power. The device is formed by the chalcogenide Panda-ring resonator with the nanoscale planar waveguide using Ge 11.5 As 24 Se 64.5
more » ... de glass channel waveguide, air-clad and MgF 2 glass for lower cladding. The waveguide is designed to exhibit normal dispersion along with a low-energy pumped at 1.55 μm using a short pulse, which has the duration of 50 fs and peak power ranging from 1 W to 100 W. The numerical result obtained has shown a good-quality SC generation of both the spectral bandwidth and high output peak power. All SC spectral extended to more than 13 μm by cumulative Kerr nonlinearities. The obtained results can be useful for developing new experimental work in the important area of SC generation on compact chip broadband sources, which can be used in both infrared and radio wave applications.
doi:10.1016/j.rinp.2018.05.031 fatcat:zavbbz6wvfbu3maol7popsdiom